Neurodiverse Rhetoric with Conversational AI: An IntroductionIn the Pondering Bot project, I designed an AI chatbot for representing neurodiverse rhetoric. My master’s thesis describes the background…Feb 1Feb 1
Evaluating LLMs for Creative Writing in FinnishLovecraftian experiments with open weight modelsJan 131Jan 131
Conversational Systems as Simulations of Intentionality: Can Chatbots be Neurodiverse?In this essay, I analyse the simulation of social interaction in modern conversational systems utilizing neurodiversity studies’ critique…Dec 24, 202424Dec 24, 202424
The Olympics Bot — Retrieval-Augmented Generation for JournalistsFacts are to a large language model (LLM) what time is to a stopped clock. When we say that an LLM is “hallucinating”, we are referring to…Aug 12, 2024Aug 12, 2024
On panoramic narratives, the More-Than-Human, and the Geology of IstanbulThe cracksMay 30, 2024May 30, 2024
Introducing ScriptLaika, a Google Docs Add-on for Co-Creating Screenplays with AIA proof of concept for a screenwriting use case for Write with LAIKA.Jul 13, 2023Jul 13, 2023
Can chatbots be portraits ?— an interview of me and MorkkelibotMy chatbot, Morkkelibot, will be featured in the “What Does Simulation Want?” exhibition that takes place in the lobby of the Väre…May 2, 2023May 2, 2023
Dokumentaarisen narratiivin rakentaminen tekoälyn avulla: voiko tekstiä generoivasta tekoälystä…Tekstiä generoiva tekoäly kykenee tunnetusti suoltamaan todellisuudesta vieraantunutta potaskaa, mutta voisiko siitä olla apua punaisen…Aug 11, 20221Aug 11, 20221
Tekoäly elokuvantekijän työvälineenä: Miten kuvangenerointijärjestelmiä hyödynnettiin…Pohdin jo opinnäytetyössäni ”GPT-2:n hyödyntäminen fiktiosisältöjen käsikirjoittamisessa” ajatusta algoritmisesta kauhusta. Siinä…Feb 6, 2022Feb 6, 2022